The PTA spends between $5,000 and $10,000 annually to provide an art program. Learn more about the program below

Los Cerritos Art Program

Only 12% of kids in California schools get the proper amount of state mandated arts education. There are 2.6 million arts related jobs in the California creative economy - and most CA kids are under-prepared to go in to those fields. 
At Los Cerritos, the PTA raises money to provide thoughtful art curriculum taught by art professionals. Each Los Cerritos student receives monthly art history presentations and applied art lessons through a contract with local art vendor. Each lesson is thoughtfully crafted to represent diverse and modern art to our students. Students will use a variety of mediums while blending together technique and creativity in to one lesson that supports State Art Standards. 



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LosCerritos_PTA Instagram!


We are always looking for volunteers to lead events or just help out. Any amount of time or help you can provide is appreciated. Check out the Event pages for their individual sign up sheets to see where you can help. Google forms are also sent via email via the Room Parents!



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